Department of Computer Science & Engineering


We have the best laboratory for software and hardware development and maintenance.

  • CHM Lab: For developing skills of Computer Hardware and Maintenance.
  • IWT Lab: Internet & Web Technology lab decorated with all latest web technology tools to train students for developing websites and web applications.
  • Programming Lab: The lab is enabled with all programming environments like C, C++, JAVA, Python, PHP etc.
  • Database Lab: Lab enabled with widely used database technology (Oracle, MySQL, MongoDb, etc.) to train our students for development and management of large databases.
  • Network Lab: Network lab decorated with all network and routing devices.

E – Learning Studio

Department has a studio room for video lectures and conferences. All the lectures and notes are delivered via classroom as well as with e – learning zone.
For e – learning we use our ERP system, Zoom and Google Classroom.

Student Achievement

CSE department students participate in all events and perform well, they achieve the best ranking position in many activities.

Sr. No. Student Name Achievement Year of Student
Mizna Ansari Badminton Champion 2020 1st Year
Saumya Singh Solo Dance Performer of the Year 2020 2nd Year
Aditi Srivastava Best Anchoring Award 2020 3rd Year