Job Opportunities

Public Sector / PSUs

The Government or their allied Public Sector Units offer great career opportunities to Polytechnic Diploma holders. These companies hire Diploma holders for junior level positions (for both engineering and non-engineering candidates) and technician level jobs

Private Sector

Similar to the public sector, even private sector companies, especially those dealing in manufacturing, construction and electronics and communication domains hire Polytechnic Diploma holders.


Another excellent career option for Polytechnic Diploma holders is that of self-employment. All the Diploma courses offered by Polytechnic institutes are specially tailored to train the students in the practical or application-oriented aspects of the respective subject. This prepares the students to learn the basics of the subject and apply it to start their own business. For instance, a student holding a Diploma in Computer Engineering can easily start a business for computer repair; or someone holding a Diploma in Automobile Engineering can start their own garage or automobile repair store. Therefore, Polytechnic Diploma courses also offer great self-employment opportunities to the students.